Expectant Parents Newborn (0-3 months) Infant and Child (4 months – 6 years)
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Infant and Child Consultations
For children 4 months through five years of age. By six months, most children are capable of sleeping through the night…once they learn how! These consultations and virtual coaching packages help families address sleep challenges and teach your child the necessary skills to soothe him/herself to sleep and sleep through the night (until at least 6:00 am). During these consultations, we address sleep problems ranging from unwanted co-sleeping, to endlessly walking or rocking your child to sleep, to frequent night wakings, to poor napping, to early rising, or to bedtime battles that lead to a late bed time. We help you transition your child from 2 naps to 1 nap (or 3 to 2), or move from a crib to a bed. We will work towards getting your child on an age-appropriate schedule, satisfying his/her sleep requirements, minimizing bedtime battles with a soothing sleep routine, and teaching older children in beds to stay in their rooms and in bed. We utilize natural and logical consequences, positive reinforcement and other gentle sleep coaching techniques – we will never have you leave your child to cry it out alone!
Basic Consultation $225 one child | $275 two children
The basic consultation is a face-to-face meeting, designed to give us time to get to know each other. We review your child’s client history form, provide you with an education on the sleep basics and tips for success, and answer any questions you may have. The Basic Consultation generally takes 1.5 – 2 hours. By the end of our consultation, you will be familiar with an age-appropriate schedule for your child, be prepared to begin implementing our sleep plan, and you will be comfortable with the techniques for coaching your child to put him/herself to sleep at naps and bedtime and back to sleep during any night wakings. Our consultations take place at the Eat-Sleep-Love offices (or via FaceTime/Skype for non-local clients). In-home consultations are also available for an additional fee. Consultations include:
- An in-person consultation (Skype/FaceTime available for non-local clients) and review of the child’s sleeping environment.
- Comprehensive assessment of your detailed client history form.
- Review of your feeding and sleep logs (required for children under 12 months).
- A customized, step by step, gentle sleep plan that is tailored to each child’s needs and incorporates parental philosophies.
- An age appropriate schedule for your child designed to get your child sleeping through the night with longer naps during the day.
Deluxe Package (Consultation + 2 Weeks Support) $400 one child | $450 two children
Often, the most challenging part to making sleep changes is implementing the plan! Our Deluxe Package adds a follow-up support package to the Basic Consultation. Follow-up consultations are a critical component to the success of our clients. It is this ongoing program of support that enables parents to successfully implement the plans we devise. Parents ask questions once they are in the thick of making sleep changes, and seek advice and counseling about the challenges they encounter along the way. Our clients generally find it helpful to know about the speed bumps they could face along the way, and like to be reminded that sometimes things may seem worse before they improve. With the Deluxe Consultation, you receive all of the benefits and services of the Basic Consultation plus two weeks of unlimited email support and up to 4 15-20 minute support phone calls.
Premium Package (Consultation + 4 Weeks Support) $575 one child | $625 two children
For many families, extended support is the key to success. Our Premium Package includes all of the benefits and services of the Basic Consultation, plus 4 weeks of unlimited email support and up to 8 15-20 minute support phone calls. The additional calls and weeks of email support are ideal for families dealing with complex sleep changes who are seeking to implement these adjustments gradually in order to ease the transition for their child.
45 Minute Phone Consultation or Two Week Email Package $75
Do you have a generally good sleeper who just recently developed a “minor” sleep issue (e.g., she stopped napping but she is still tired, he started fighting bedtime, or she developed a fear of the dark)? Do you have a few “quick” questions (e.g., transitioning your toddler from 2 naps to 1, or switching from a crib to a bed) and just need a little guidance? Do you have a significant change pending in your life and you just want to develop a plan of action to protect your child’s sleep habits? If you are just in need of a short conversation with a few tips and resources, or an email dialogue to guide you through a rough patch, this Q&A telephone consultation or two weeks of email support is perfect for you! This consultation does not include a written sleep plan or follow-up calls.
Right Start Newborn Consultation $350
For parents of newborn babies up to 4 months age. Being a new parent is a challenging task, and making sure that you and your newborn baby are getting enough sleep is one of the greatest hurdles. During the early months, it is easy to teach your baby skills that will lay the foundation for developing a lifetime of healthy sleep habits. The Right Start consultation lasts approximately 2 hours and includes:
- A sleep and feeding assessment.
- Suggestions for creating an optimal sleep environment.
- Education about sleep for newborns, including an overview of sleep development.
- Hands-on instruction on newborn soothing techniques, including Dr. Harvey Karp’s 5 S’s.
- Flexible routines for the first 6 months that will help create predictability and guide your baby to sleep through the night.
- Written sleep goals for the first six months of your newborn’s life.
- 4 follow-up phone calls at critical milestones in your child’s development, and email access.
Expectant Parent Consultation $275
For parents-to-be! Becoming a parent is an exciting time, and there is so much to learn about as you embark on this incredible journey. We can help you get off to a great start for you and your baby! The expectant parent consultation lasts approximately 1.5 hours and includes:.
- General sleep education, overview of sleep development in newborns, and information about sleep and your baby for the first six months of your baby’s life
- Suggestions for creating an optimal sleep environment.
- Hands-on instruction on newborn soothing techniques, including Dr. Harvey Karp’s 5 S’s, and basic babywearing overview.
- 2 follow-up calls in the first 2 months after your baby is born.
- Breast feeding and bottle feeding information and tips.
- Expectant parent resource packet.
Hourly Rate
We are available for additional phone consultation for $100/hour or in-person meetings for $125/hour.
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Free 15-minute Consultation
Not sure what package is best for you? Do you just want to talk first before you decide if a sleep consultation package is right for you? Contact us to arrange a free 15 minute phone consultation.
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