Spinach Patties
I thought I’d kick off this post with a discussion about food. I’ve been finding feeding Micah a challenge lately. He is becoming quite picky, and it is always either feast or famine with him. He is currently eating a diet of 100% table food (no more baby food for us!), but I am often unsure whether he is eating enough or eating healthy.
I think we have the best handle on breakfast. Micah wakes up in the morning and he will drink some milk – anywhere from 1-5 ounces. We usually sit and snuggle a bit on the couch while he is drinking his milk, and then he likes to go play with his toys and chase the dog. While he is playing, I prepare his breakfast (well, sometimes his Daddy does the cooking, too). We seem to have a “rotation” of breakfast foods – we either give Micah waffles, pancakes, french toast, scrambled eggs or cereal. I prefer to give him french toast over regular toast because he gets some protein that way, too (since we use the bread to soak up an entire egg). I usually put a bit of cinnamon and vanilla in with his french toast, we try to vary the waffle and pancake flavors (blueberry, pumpkin, plain, etc.). We always give him fruit with breakfast – sometimes we put applesauce or homemade jam and/or yogurt ontop of the waffles/pancakes/french toast. With the eggs, sometimes we mix in veggies or melt cheese on top. He will usually eat a pretty hearty breakfast…except when he doesn’t. At the very least, I can usually get him to eat 1/2 a banana.
Sometimes, Micah likes to drink more milk later in the morning. I think on daycare days, they give him a morning snack of breakfast foods (although I am never sure how much he eats there). Around 10:30, we put him down for his nap, and he likes to sleep until at least 12. When he gets up from his nap, he usually drinks a few more ounces of milk and we start preparing lunch. I am beginning to find lunches a bit more difficult and boring. He will usually eat a melted cheese sandwich, but how many days in a row should he really be eating that? Micah also loves pizza – but isn’t that just a fancy melted cheese sandwich? We are able to sneak some pureed veggies in with the tomato sauce when we make pizza. He will eat hummus and chips as well for lunch. He does not seem to be particularly fond of eating meat/chicken for lunch – that is pretty much always a bust. We have very little luck getting him to eat pasta, although occasionally he’ll eat some tortellini or some lasagna. Micah loves veggie burgers – we usually alternate that with dinner a few times each week. I’m thinking of testing the waters with peanut butter soon to expand our lunch options. We’ve tried a number of other options – spinach patties (see the recipe below), and I make these delicious veggie/cheese/bisquick squares that he seems to like as well. Once again, we’ll top off the lunch meal with either some crackers, bread, and/or fruit – if all else fails, Micah will load up on fruit. Currently, he is having a love affair with Clementines – I think he would eat a dozen a day if I let him. Does anyone else have some good lunch suggestions for a picky 1 year old with only 4 teeth?
Naptime hits anywhere from 2:30-3:30. When he wakes up, I offer him milk and an afternoon snack. Afternoon snacks are the easiest – fruit is always a safe bet, but veggies are almost always a no-go. I buy him these sippy pouches of organic baby food that mixes fruit and veggies together – he loves to feed himself the sippy pouches and it is the best way to sneak in some veggies. Sometimes, Micah eats cheese for a snack, or crackers, or fruit, or cereal, or mum mums, or dried fruits (we are currently loving freeze-dried strawberries – the freeze dried fruits are wonderful because they sort of crumble and melt in Micah’s mouth). Pretty much any basic “snack” food is a hit with my little man.
Dinner time falls around 6 or 6:30. Once again, I find dinner challenging, and I am feeling starved for new ideas. Some nights (like tonight) a veggie burger is a hit. He particularly enjoys eating it with a touch of marinara sauce and a fork. I give Micah turkey burgers and hamburgers (with veggies mixed in), and we’ll try tortellini, lasagna, and pizza, but other nights there seems to be no winning. Some nights, everything I hand him ends up on the floor. At least the dog is always up for some dinner! On those nights, I try to get Micah to eat some crackers or cheese or fruit and call it a night.
We round out the day with some milk before bed. The last few nights, Micah says “night night” to me when he goes upstairs to sleep. It is just SOOO cute! I love watching how he communicates now – he knows the signs for “Itsy Bitsy Spider,” he tells me when he wants more food and when he is all done eating. He is using words more and more often, and just turning into a little boy before my eyes.
As promised, here is the recipe for my spinach patties:
1 pkg. chopped spinach—thawed and drained
½ cup bread crumbs
1 onion sautéed
¼ cup mozzarella cheese
½ cup egg beaters (or 2 eggs)
2 tbsp. parmesan cheese
Seasonings (I usually add garlic and a touch of salt)
Mix all ingredients together and make into patties. Bake at 350o – 45 minutes to 1 hour. Can be made into a loaf.
Optional: shredded carrots, either cooked or sautéed, can be added.
Micah loved these! I used organic frozen spinach, an organic vidalia onion and organic cheese and eggs.
Feeding Mommy is Fun!
Despite the fact that Micah has been a toothless wonder, he does a really good job eating adult food. I originally wrote this post the week of October 19, when we went out to dinner twice (Italian food) and then he had chicken (okay, vegetarian chicken – he loves it!) and mixed vegetables. He was busy feeding himself and making happy noises (yum, yum, yum) when I sat down across from him. Micah paused for a moment, and held out his hand with a piece of chicken and leaned forward to touch my mouth. I opened wide and made a big loud chomping sound as I ate the piece of chicken (think Cookie Monster). Immediately, Micah exploded into peals of laughter! He thought that was the funniest thing ever! He grabbed more food, and tried to feed me over and over again, each time laughing more than the last. How fun is that?
All I can say is that this is now a regular occurrence. Pretty much every meal, Micah likes to feed me, and I have to play the role of Cookie Monster and chomp down on his hand and make loud eating noises. This game always leads to very deep belly laughs, and we have so much fun!
Look, Ma, no bib!
Micah has developed a new trick – he likes to pull off his bib. At times, I think he merely means to inform us that he is done eating. Other times, I think he is pronouncing that he is a big boy, and bibs are for babies. But mostly, I think he has his father’s sense of humor and he finds it funny. He grabs on to the bib with two hands and just yanks until he pulls the fastener off. We have slowly been dealing with this challenge – we bought bibs that go over the head instead of fastening, so try as he might, he can’t pull it off (and believe me, he tries). I am sure he will figure out how to pull it over his head soon enough.
Speaking of eating, Micah is eating real table food now! And he had his last bottle of breast milk on Saturday morning. I’m still amazed by how “grown up” he is. We give him pureed food, too (especially since he STILL doesn’t have any teeth), but he has been eating small pieces of chicken, brisket, potatoes, carrots, mushroom barley soup, squash soup, broccoli stew, lentils, couscous, quinoa, rice, cheerios, bananas, melon, yogurt, macaroni and cheese…pretty much anything we eat, he is eating, too! For good measure, here is a video of him feeding himself scrambled egg yolk and cheerios:
Everything goes in the mouth
Lately, everything goes in Micah’s mouth . . . remote controls, Daddy’s glasses, the dog’s foot, towels, the rubber duckie – whatever he can get in his cute little hands. Ironically, the one thing I cannot get him to stick in his mouth and enjoy . . . solid foods in the mesh teether! I bought this great little mesh contraption that is designed to safely allow babies to experience bigger chunks of solid food. We’ve tried watermelon and blueberries so far, and Micah goes BALLISTIC if that mesh bag gets anywhere near his mouth. His playgroup friends all love it, and I know Micah likes to eat watermelon and blueberries pureed, so I guess it must be a texture thing. I’m not sure if it is the bag or the food that he isn’t liking, but I’m going to keep working on it.
Recently, Micah has started drinking water out of a sippy cup. He is getting pretty adept, as long as we use the Born Free sippy cup and he is leaning back. Unfortunately, he does not understand that pool water is not good for him. Since he discovered he can drink water, all he wants to do at the pool is drink the water. I think he might have had a gallon the last time we were there. Perhaps the beach is better – I think sand is healthier than pool water, right?
Speaking of everything going in the mouth, I started South Beach diet on Monday. This week has been rough – I’ve been dying to eat all kinds of carbs and junk since they are now off limits. I feel like Micah – every bit of food I spot I just want to put in my mouth. The good news is that I’m behaving and I do think I’m already seeing results. I keep asking Elliot if I’m thin now – he thinks that is a trick question.
6 month checkup
Micah had his 6 month appointment today (yes, I know it is nearly 2 weeks late!) and he did quite well. He was sitting in his diaper on the table ripping the paper cover to shreds when the doctor walked in – Micah flashed him a big grin then went back to his task of ultimate destruction. I probably should have taken a picture of our little guy – he was quite a sight. The doctor smiled, said that was a wonderful greeting (and the best he’d had all day), and then commented on Micah’s “mop of hair.”
Baby Food – Take 2
On Sunday night, I was inspired to make baby food for Micah. Elliot had purchased a variety of organic fruits and veggies, and I thought I would give it a try. I was excited to start with apples – I make homemade applesauce all the time, so I figured it would be a breeze. I peeled and chopped up the apples, added some water, and set it to cook. Fast forward….well, frankly I have no idea how long, because the next thing I remember is sitting on the couch and thinking “what is that smell? Who is cooking something?” That is right – I forgot I was making baby food. By the time I figured out what was cooking, the water had boiled out of the pot and the apples were all singed. I tried to salvage them… but they were no good. I was so mad at myself!
Luckily, I only used 4 apples. I cleaned out the very burnt pot, and started all over again. I peeled and chopped up 4 more apples, SET THE TIMER, and started them cooking, too. This time, the applesauce was perfect! Feeling confident, I decided to move on to bigger and better. I made a big vat of mixed vegetables (green beans, peas, carrots and corn). I also cooked up some pears, and pureed some mango. I made a few fruit combinations – apple mango, apple pear, and apple pear mango. I figured I could occasionally mix in some bananas when it is time to give them to Micah. Micah is now eating fruits – we added mango to the list on Monday with a banana mango oatmeal breakfast.
Unfortunately, I may have gotten too bold with all of my success. Once again, I had to push the limits – I decided to whip up a quick batch of zucchini, too. Naturally, I got distracted again. I checked on it and it was *almost* ready. I looked for the hand blender, cleaned it, checked again, and decided the zucchini needed another minute. While I was waiting, I decided to do some cleanup… which is where it all went wrong. I guess I got carried away on the cleanup, because by the time I checked the zucchini again, all the water had boiled off, and it, too, burned. I’m so sad – no zucchini for Micah! I need to pay better attention while I’m making things, or do a better job of setting the timer. After the zucchini debacle, I thought it best to call it quits. We still have an eggplant, peas, and green beans for me to cook another night. We’ll see how Micah likes my cooking!
Brain Dump and a Hickey
It has been an insane week – no time to post! I think I will do a “hodge-podge” post today and try and catch you up on everything, including my new hickey. Yes, I said hickey.
Last night, I looked in the mirror, and there was a big giant mark on my chin. For the life of me, I could not figure out how it got there. I tried washing my face (hey, I’ve been busy – I thought perhaps I had dirt on my face, or a trail of chocolate) but the mark did not budge. I thought it over, and I decided that Micah must have accidentally head-butted me, and I simply forgot about it. Except the spot was not sore in the least, so I still had my doubts. Today, I was sitting here with Leslie, our organizer, and holding Micah while he stood on my lap. He leaned over, and decided to latch on my chin and start sucking like crazy. I started to laugh because I remembered that he spent all night on Wednesday doing the same thing…and I’m certain I have identified the source of my chin hickey. Micah is teething, and he was so fussy on Wednesday, and it seemed to be the only thing that was soothing him. Like every good mother, I just let him gnaw away on my chin because I’d really had enough of the fussing. I think I’ll wear the hickey as a badge of honor – it should look great with my dress at the wedding on Saturday night.
Work has been crazy for me this week. I agreed to do an interview survey of 14 different AT projects enaged in the reutilization of assistive technology to look at their policies and procedures, help identify some best practices and make recommendations to improve their program. Each interview lasts 1 1/2 – 2 hours, and we have been trying to cram as many as possible in this week. On Monday, while Micah was in daycare, I did 3 interviews, another conference call, and tried to get some other work done. On Tuesday, our new babysitter, Christin, started work! My friend Niki recommended her – she is the daughter of one of Niki’s friends. Her mom babysits for a few children on a regular basis, so Christin has had tons of experience working with babies. She was great with Micah, and it freed me up to do a few more interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday. I cut my day a bit short on Wednesday because Micah was a fuss-budget, and I was afraid of scaring Christin – I need her to keep coming back all summer while she is home from college! Thursday, Micah went to Christin’s house – her mom wanted her home to help take care of the kids she was babysitting (Niki’s children go there on Thursdays, and another neighborhood child, so it was a big giant playgroup) and they offered to have Micah join the fun. It worked out well, as I had 2 more phone interviews, a GE tech came to replace the microwave that caught fire two weeks ago, and the cleaning crew was here. I hope I presented an air of calm on my interviews despite the surrounding chaos. I was hoping Christin would return again today, but no such luck – she had other plans. She should be back on Tuesday again next week. Elliot covered Micah today while I did an interview this morning. He left for a meeting around 11:30, and I managed to sneak in 2 other conference calls while Micah napped. I spent the rest of the afternoon with Micah and trying to finish a few things around the house.
I am amazed by how much Micah is growing and developing. Over the past two days, he really seems to have mastered sitting. He is getting fairly steady and able to balance himself and play with toys while he is sitting. He continues to steadfastly refuse belly time or rolling from his back to belly, but it is obvious to me he is CAPABLE of rolling from back to belly. He loves to play with his toys, and we just figured out how to lower the jumperoo so that he can use that as well. He loves to be busy – he cannot sit still for too long! I’ve also noticed that he is starting to reduce his naps – he is only napping maybe 2x each day for 30 minutes or so lately. The past two days, he also slept until 9:00 am! I’m not certain if that is a good idea – I think he should wake up by 8 or 8:30, so I may have to nip this new habit in the bud.
Our food update – since Micah tried peas, he has also tasted avocado, green beans and squash. Tomorrow is day three of squash, and then we will move on to sweet potatoes. He loves eating. Last night, I was holding him while I went to get my own dinner, and he tried to grab the squash out of the fridge – it was clear he wanted more food. I made myself a bowl of cottage cheese, and he kept trying to eat it! He opened wide every time I had a spoonful that I brought towards my mouth, and started to cry when I would not share. I gave him a little extra squash to make him happy. Today, when he finished his squash and cereal, he was still hungry and kept grabbing at the spoon until I gave him more. Tomorrow we are going to try to increase to 3 tbs cereal and 3 tbs squash!
This weekend is going to be crazy busy. Tomorrow morning, we have the Komen Race for the Cure in the morning, and my cousin Jodi’s wedding at night. On Sunday, we have plans to take Micah to the Mets game with Ken, Erica and their son Micah. The Micahs will be seeing their first baseball game together! My niece Peyton is also here until Thursday and staying with my parents, so we’d like to squeeze in a visit, too.
All we are saying, is give peas a chance!
And by the way, we got a shot of Micah giving himself a bottle:
Call the authorities!
I think that if Micah could talk, today he would have been telling you to call the authorities on me. Apparently, I have been practicing the worst kind of torture and abuse on my little man. He shrieked and screamed bloody murder today to try and get someone to notice and put an end to my torture, but to no avail. Let me put this in context for you . . . .
Micah came down with his first cold when he was about 5 weeks old. As we were instructed, we sprayed some saline up his nose and used the blue squeegy thing from the hospital to suction out the mucous. I can’t say Micah enjoyed this, but he was usually fairly calm for the first few attempts to clear his nose. After 4 or 5 times, he would cry, and I would set it aside for another time.
A bit later (I think he was 3 months old?), Micah came down with another cold. This time, he was older, smarter, and stronger. He very quickly learned to recognize the blue squeegy . . . and hate it. He would begin to scream at the first glimpse of the squeegy, and if I brought it near his nose, he would hit and kick and shriek and turn his head away. I must say, he had gotten quite strong. I quickly realized that all the hysteria resulted in more mucous, and I made the decision that it was not worthwhile to even attempt to squeegy his nose. I did try using a squeegy that was not blue . . . but Micah was smart enough to quickly recognize that as well. I then began to just wipe his nose with a cloth. It is far less effective, but it seemed to create very little upset, and it was “good enough.”
Unfortunately, this cold did not seem to disappear. It persisted . . . and persisted . . . and persisted. Micah has been stuffy for over 2 months now. At his 4 month appointment, I discussed it with the doctor, and he did not seem concerned. I have been working very hard to not be concerned about it, either. Since I am tired of being that crazy mom who brings her son to the doctor for everything, I’ve just let it be. Until today.
Yesterday, Micah started to cough. His congestion intensified, and he just did not seem to be feeling well. Today, he woke up coughing, and the mucous had turned green. I called the doctor, and we went in for a sick appointment. I made sure all the nurses heard him coughing and sneezing (just in case he miraculously got better as the doctor walked in the room). All this time, I have been wiping his nose with a cloth, with very little upset. That is, until the past few weeks. Lately, each and every time, Micah shrieks bloody murder. Yes, ladies and gentleman, to hear it from Micah, I have been practicing the worst kind of abuse . . . nose wiping.
Micah gets mad when he even sees the cloth. I have to sneak attack him, and he kicks and hits and arches his back and turns his face away. He then sobs these loud uncontrollable pained sobs indicating how tortured he is. He makes sure to do this in very public places so that everyone can tell what a horrible mother I am. So, on behalf of my son, you may need to call the authorities and inform them that, indeed, I have been nose wiping him. Daily. Multiple times. And if I had it my way, I’d be using the squeegy, too.
In case you were wondering . . . they think he might have a sinus infection. They took a nose culture to find out (you should have seen what he did to that nurse who tried to stick a swab up his nose!) and we should have the results back either Friday or Monday. They confirmed he was running a low grade fever, his throat was red (probably from post-nasal drip) and he does not have strep throat. If he has a sinus infection, they’ll give us antibiotics. I did not get a very good answer about what they will do if it is not a sinus infection. Remember – they insist that babies do not get allergies. So, because colds do not persist this long, and babies do not have allergies, if it is not a sinus infection, we are SOL.
I did also ask a few other questions today . . . he told us we can use sunscreen on Micah now, that some water is fine when he gets hot, that I can be giving him up to about 3 tbs of cereal 2-3 times per day now and I SHOULD also start him on fruits/veggies (also 3-4 tbs 2-3 times per day). We tried oatmeal for the first time yesterday (and he seems to like it). Since that is a “new” food for him, we can start something else new later this week or next week. On our list to try is: green beans, squash, peas, carrots, apples, pears, peaches, avocados, and sweet potatoes. There will be more to follow!