Daylight Savings Time begins on March 10, 2013…some of us will be groaning about losing an hour of sleep, while others of us will look forward to an extra hour of daylight in the evenings. But how will Daylight Savings Time impact your child’s sleep? What can you do to minimize any negative side effects?
First, you can start by preparing in advance to shift your child’s schedule later. About a week ahead of time, start shifting your child’s schedule earlier. On Monday, March 4, 2013, start waking your child 15 minutes earlier, and moving their entire schedule (meals, naps, and bedtime) 15 minutes earlier than normal. On Wednesday, March 6, 2013, try shifting your child’s entire schedule 30 minutes earlier than normal. On Friday, March 8, 2013, try shifting your child’s schedule 45 minutes earlier than normal. Finally, on Sunday, March 10, 2013, return to your regular time schedule (now on Daylight Savings Time). If you are unable to slowly adjust your child’s schedule (or lack control over your child’s schedule), it may take your child a few days to adjust. If your child wakes earlier than normal on Sunday, resist the urge to move everything earlier…delay starting your day and breakfast until your usual time, maintain the schedule for naps and meals and bedtime. Remember, if you consistently enforce the new times, your child will adjust!