As we are preparing for the birth of Twoey, I decided to write out Micah’s schedule (and a food list, and a list of activities) for my parents to use as a guide for caring for Micah while I’m in labor (and at the hospital after her birth). Our current plan is that (depending on the time of day), my father will come to the house and care for Micah while my mom meets Elliot and me at the hospital. After Twoey has arrived, my Dad can bring Micah over to meet her. My parents will likely sleep at our house for the 2 nights we are at the hospital with the baby.
8:00 am – 9:30 am Wake Up & Milk & Breakfast
- Change diaper, bring bring downstairs to play, give sippy cup of milk (mix in 1.0 ml polyvisol vitamins), prepare & serve breakfast, get Micah dressed AFTER breakfast.
9:30 am
- Sunday: Playtime/activities
- Monday: Take to daycare
- Tuesday: Playtime/activities (usually Kidville class, or free activity)
- Wednesday: Take to daycare
- Thursday: Take to Kidville class from 10:30 – 12:00
- Friday: Take to daycare
- Saturday: Playtime/activities
12:30 pm Lunch & Milk (Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday)
1:00 pm Nap time (Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday)
- Can be flexible with this…no earlier than 12 or 12:30 because he will be grumpy in the evening, and no later than 2. He usually naps 2 ½ – 3 hrs.
4:00 pm Milk & Snack (Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday)
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm* Playtime/activities (Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday)
*5:30 pm – 6:00 pm pick up Micah from daycare
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Dinner & Milk
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Playtime
8:00 pm – 8:30 pm Bath & Bedtime
- Bath on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (and usually once over weekend).
- Bedtime routine: Brush his teeth, take him to the bedroom, read him a book, put on his music, turn off the lights (leave fan on), rock and sing with him a bit, place him in the crib, close bedroom door and leave.
I did like reading this. It’s so very organized. I used to be this organized but our weekends tend to go to pot.
I might follow this layout later, too.