To help you decide, here are a few pictures of Micah and his hair:
Now, with all of this information on hand, tell me what you think!
To cut, or not to cut . . . that is the question
Well, ladies and gentlemen, there comes a time in every child’s life when parents must face that question . . . to cut, or not to cut. And I’m talking about hair. I never thought I’d be faced with this question at only 3 months of age, but Micah’s hair is growing wild. Part of me loves the wild mess, and if he was a girl, I’d let it keep growing for quite some time. His hair is already down to the bridge of his nose, and it is kind of touching his shoulders in the back. It is LONG. I had originally hoped to make it to his first birthday before cutting it, and I keep waiting to see if it will fall out, or start curling up (it is definitely curly when wet) but that just hasn’t happened yet. So . . . what do you think? Is it time for Micah to get a haircut? Is it crazy to try and wait until 6 months? Or should I let it go a while longer and see what happens?