First, the ultrasound was great. Our technician was so wonderful. The baby was jumping and moving all over the place! I can’t believe how much movement I’m NOT feeling yet. All of the measurements were right on . . . right size, heart looking good, kidneys/stomach all perfect, lovely looking spine – just perfect! They estimated the baby might be about 1 day ahead of schedule, but essentially, no reason to change my expected due date!
So, here are some beautiful shots of the baby . . .
Profile pics:
Apparently, the baby already has a sense of humor – here is a scary skull face shot that just creeps me out:
And now . . . drumroll please . . . . the “money” shot:
We’re thrilled! I’m sure one day our son will hate us because we have already posted his first penis picture on the internet! We have no idea what we are going to do for a name (and we don’t plan on sharing before he is born) but we are so excited!! After we found out the news, we drove straight to my parents’ house. Jeremy and the girls were there to wish my father a happy birthday. We decided to share the news in a truly classy way . . . we asked who was in the mood for franks and beans for dinner. We shared the pictures, and then Jeremy headed home with the girls. Mom, Dad, Elliot & I went to the Prime Rib for dinner (thanks Heather & Brad!) and it was a perfect night.
We learned even more good news today . . . my cousin Jodi got engaged last night (congratulations!!) and our friends Niki and Eric had their little girl – 7 lbs 5 ozs, mother & baby both doing well! All-in-all, it has been a great couple of days!